Privacy & Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to KnightX website. The information that we collect and store during normal use of the site is used to monitor use of the site and to help its further development.

Our goal is to protect your privacy and the information that you submit to us through the Internet.

When you visit this website, we will not collect any personally identifiable information about you (such as your name, address, contact number, e-mail address etc) unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you opt not to provide us with personally identifiable information no material consequences will result, although you may be not be able to participate in certain promotions, receive product information or participate in any kind of feedback.

KnightX may store and process your personally identifiable information to understand your needs better and how we may improve our products and services, and to contact you (viz. we may send you marketing or promotional materials or other information), we may respond to your comments or requests for information.

We limit the collection and use of personal information to what is necessary to administer our business and to deliver superior service to you. This may include advising you about our products or services, those of our affiliates, and other opportunities that we believe may interest you.

KnightX, corporate policies require that employees with access to confidential customer information may not use or disclose the information except for business use.

KnightX will not give or forward your personally identifiable information to any outside organization for the organization’s own use without your consent.

By accessing this web site, you indicate your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

If you have questions, comments or concern, you may contact us at:
